Sunday, December 10, 2006

Monday morning, Dec 11 Consulate Appt

Only two more sleeps for us before we board the plane back home! This morning is our consulate appt - we just stay in the room and our guide goes for us. Tomorrow is the oath taking at the consulate and then we're done. We ate at the Cow Bridge Thai restaurant last night with all the families from Heritage - there are 4 special need families and 3 non-special need families here. Our guide is very busy! Glad we have done all of this before and are on our own most of the time. It's a good transition time for us to be with Sarabeth by ourselves. We have had many times when I could not understand what she was saying. She knows "I don't understand" and I say that - but then she gets frustrated with me. Usually we figure it out. She enjoys going over to the playground and trying out all of the "equipment".

I miss the huge buffet for breakfast at the Swan - this buffet is very small but feeds us. Sarabeth eats oh so very slowly - she would rather "people watch" - a real rubber necker! She loves to watch all of the babies - mei meis to her. And takes forever to get around to eating!
Our family granite etching is in process, but I took a look last night - I was a bit dissappointed - only Caitlin and Sarabeth actually look like themselves. They aren't done yet, tho - I told them what I thought - not sure they can change anything. Will keep checking on it. I so wanted it to come out nicely for a forever keepsake.
We met some new families last night - one Mom is here with 4 kids - 3 from home and a new 17mth old! What a brave woman! Sarabeth introduced herself to all of them as "wa Sarabeth"!! It was the first time she referred to herself to outsiders as "Sarabeth". I still use Jingdong to call her - so she will respond but she has a severe case of "selective hearing" - way worse than any of our others at home! LOL

The weather has been nice. Saturday was overcast and cool, but Sunday was beautiful. We went to church at the Shamian Christian Church and then had lunch at Lucy's. After lunch we walked the waterfront and Sarabeth played in the park.

We can't wait to get home (and to sleep in our own bed!). Hope you've had an enjoyable Sunday.

Mary and John

1 comment:

Ron, Melanie & McKenzie said...

We just got back from China on November 17th and although we were so excited to get home a part of me misses China. We adopted a 4 1/2 year old so I can relate to the frustration of the communication. Safe travels home and congratulations!